The Vicar, as editor of this guide, gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to former Vicars who have written guides; including the Rev'd Charles Jones, Canon Frederick Given-Wilson, Canon 'Johnny' Johnson, and the Rev'd Norman Bedford. Also the work of Canon George Rendall and Lt-Colonel C. Attfield Brooks, in whose published writings much more about the Church and village can be found.
The work of research has been continued in this guide by Mrs. Rosemary Hartley and Mr. Michael Archer.
The format of this guide was made possible by the work of Mr. Denbigh Hamilton, and Mr. Adrian Moore.
The Victoria & Albert Museum have kindley allowed the reproduction of The Stour Valley by John Constable R.A.
The painting used as the logo for this site is by local artist Terry Jeffrey to whom the editor is grateful for permission to use the illusration.
Copyright for this guide is retained by the present Vicar and the Parochial Church Council.